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Catch (Spreader, Adhesive, Effect Extender, pH Decreaser)

Catch (Spreader, Adhesive, Effect Extender, pH Decreaser)
Catch (Spreader, Adhesive, Effect Extender, pH Decreaser) - photo 1
Renewed: 20 October 2020, 14:21 ID: 1746771
Price on request
Flagma member since 17 February 2020
Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
экспорт менеджер


Spreader, Adhesive, Effect Extender, pH Decreaser
• Can be used with all kinds of pharmaceutical mix for all plants.
• Fungucide, insecticide, acaricide, improves the performance of herbicides and plant growth regulators.
• Allows to reduce the amount of water used in spraying by 30%. This saves time, money and labor.
• Not affected by rain after application.
• Is safe for the user and the environment.
• Does not cause any spots on the leaves and fruit. Does not cause phytotoxicity in plants.
Effect Type:
• Reduces surface tension in fluids.
• Increases surface coating.
• Increases adhesion and makes the drug into the plant.
• Allows the surfaces that are difficult to get wet, easier and more complete and coated with medicated water.
• It is not ionic.


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Works by Flagma since 17 February 2020
Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
экспорт менеджер
Popular manufacturers in the category: Agro-chemicals, other
Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
экспорт менеджер
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Ozdemir Pharma Kimya, LS Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна, экспорт менеджер
Catch (Spreader, Adhesive, Effect Extender, pH Decreaser)
Price on request ID: 1746771
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