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Compound feed. Premixes

Compound feed. Premixes
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Renewed: 13 February 2023, 13:07 ID: 1748124
Flagma member since 5 April 2022
Станкевич Александра
Станкевич Александра
специалист отдела ВЭД


JSC "Lidakhleboprodukt" is the largest manufacturer of flour products in the Republic of Belarus.
We sell feed products for poultry, for cattle, for rabbits, for pigs. We produce "addressed" feed for cattle (they are individual and are calculated according to the available feed on the farm).
Packing 30 kg., 20 kg., 10 kg.
Shipment in a car and zh. d. transport (wagons and containers).

We sell premixes for calves, for highly productive cows in the stall period, for cows, sires in the stall period, for single and pregnant sows, for suckling sows, for suckling piglets, for weaned piglets, for growing piglets, for fattening pigs 1- th period, 2nd period, for fattening pigs in the production of animal feed for the population, for young chickens, broilers, ducklings and geese and others.
Packing 25 kg.
At the request of the consumer, it is possible to calculate any type of premix, as well as the introduction of feed additives (amino acids, acidifier, adsorbent, antibiotic, phytase, enzyme, etc.).

We will be glad to mutually beneficial cooperation!
Regards, Anna (WhatsApp)

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Works by Flagma since 5 April 2022
Станкевич Александра
Станкевич Александра
специалист отдела ВЭД
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Станкевич Александра
Станкевич Александра
Специалист отдела ВЭД
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Лидахлебопродукт, ОАО Станкевич Александра, Специалист отдела ВЭД
Compound feed. Premixes
260/ton ID: 1748124
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