Industrial printer Ticab Printing System TPS for
inkjet large format contactless full-color CMYK printing.
1) printing from 1 pc to 50 units per minute.
2) low cost per copy - 0.01 euro/unit.
3) flexibility - printing on different materials: paper bags, cardboard, boxes assembled and
disassembled, envelopes, textiles, wood.
4) Does not require any preliminary preparatory work: cliché, press mould, stencil.
5) easiness in operation, own development TICAB software
6) we are official partners of the american company Hewlett Packard
7) permanent technical support of customers
8) the ability to improve or change the equipment to the individual needs of the client with
our own production and engineering potential
9) accessories to the printer of our own design
10) we have 10 years of experience in machine building, we are employing 12 engineers.