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Orgasit (Organik acid mixture )

Orgasit (Organik acid mixture )
Orgasit (Organik acid mixture ) - photo 1
Renewed: 20 October 2020, 14:21 ID: 1746747
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Flagma member since 17 February 2020
Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
экспорт менеджер


Liquid organic fertilizers in different volume packaging.
• It increases the effectiviness of the pesticides by lowering the pH of applicated water.
• Removes the obstructions in drip irrigation system.
• It increases the air movement between the soil and the atmosphere by breaking down the soil crust.
• It accelerates the nutrition uptake from soil when it is applied with irrigation system due to suddenly decreasing pH value around root area.

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Works by Flagma since 17 February 2020
Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
экспорт менеджер
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Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна
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Ozdemir Pharma Kimya, LS Darvish Svetlana Анатольевна, экспорт менеджер
Orgasit (Organik acid mixture )
Price on request ID: 1746747
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