The Polish production and trading company M-Serwis Sp. z o. o. I deal with the wholesale of Polish fruit and vegetables from my own cultivation.
We sell apples of the following varieties: Red Cortland, Gala Schniga Shniko, Golden Delicious, Mutsu, Ligol, Idared, Champion, Prince, Red Prince,...
Polish firm La-Sad offers you deliveries of Polish apples to Germany. We have the following varieties of apples: Champion, Idared, Gloster, Golden, Mutsu, Jonagored. Caliber and packaging depends on klient's requirements. Please contact me in order to get price list. We guarantee you best...
Good apples from Poland.
Stored in refrigerators. Gassed.
Without hail.
Large assortment: golden, mutsu, champion, ligol, gloster, idared, ionagold, ionagored, gala, empire.
Only export.
Viber, Whats up Iura Poland