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Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale

Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale
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Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 1 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 2 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 3 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 4 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 5 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 6 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 7 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 8 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 9 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 10 Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale - фото 11
Обновлено: 4 декабря 2024, 14:29 ID: 1748586
оптовая цена
285 - 345 /штука
на Флагма с 13 мая 2024
Auseika Alex
specialist marketingowy


Wholesale of greenhouse kits from the manufacturer.
We offer greenhouse frames made of natural wood, dry or with vacuum impregnation, two options for covering the greenhouse, under polycarbonate or soft film.
Also we can produce according to your dimensions and wishes by agreement.
I will be happy to answer your questions.
Today I bring the price of a standard set of 2.6 x 3 meters with polycarbonate 4 mm, packed on a pallet 1.2 x 0.8 meters.
Excluding delivery.

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Работает на Флагма с 13 мая 2024
Auseika Alex
specialist marketingowy
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Auseika Alex
specialist marketingowy
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Czyste Pole sp. z o.o., Sp. z o.o. Auseika Alex, specialist marketingowy
Greenhouse kits from the manufacturer wholesale
285 - 345 €/штука ID: 1748586
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