JSC "Lidakhleboprodukt" is the largest manufacturer of flour products in the Republic of Belarus. The products manufactured by the enterprise are made only from the best, environmentally friendly raw materials of Belarusian origin without the use of harmful food additives and genetically modified products.
We sell fluffy wheat bran (p / p bag 20 kg, in bulk, granulated).
Real volumes 500 tons/month.
Shipment in a car and zh. d. transport (wagons and koytainers).
We will be glad to mutually beneficial cooperation!
Regards, Anna (WhatsApp)
Реализуем отруби пшеничные пушистые (п/п мешок 20 кг, насыпью) и гранулированные.
Отгрузка в авто и ж. д. транспорт (вагоны и койтейнеры).
С уважением, Анна (ВатСапп)