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Colloidal liquid в Александрии

2 объявления
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42 €/т
Compost Compost is 100% organic fertilizer. It is a rich source of plant nutrients and is used in agriculture to improve soil fertility, increase productivity and product quality. In agriculture, compost can be used in various ways. The most common ways are: • Application to the soil. Compost can
14 янв 2024
Mineral water
Mineral water - фото 1
Mineral water - фото 2
+4 фото
Mineral water - фото 3
0.34 $/pc EXW  
опт 0.34 $/pc
Dear current and potential partners. Morshinskaya natural mineral water is a healthy, environmentally friendly and highly-important product. Water Morshinskaya - has a favorable value for money. We invite to mutually beneficial cooperation on the introduction of Morshinskaya dealers from all
22 апр 2024
Найдены объявления в радиусе 190 км от Александрии
Sulpholiquid98 (Colloidal Liquid Sulfur)( الكبريتولكوييد )
Цена по запросу
We offer liquid mineral and organic fertilizers with high concentrate of colloidal sulfur. • In high pH soils, the main cause of yield decline is that phosphorus and trace elements (iron, manganese and zinc) are not moving. The most effective and economical way to remove it is the use of colloidal
+4 объявления
20 окт 2020
Liquid Whole Egg
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 1
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 2
+4 фото
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 3
Оптовая цена
от 1 570 $/т FOB
Commodity: Liquid Frozen Mélange Origin: Ukraine Specification: Pasteurized liquid whole egg, without shell fragments, films, frozen up to -18C. Without GMO. Color: Typical of whole egg, from lithe yellow to lithe orange. Aroma and Flavor: Clean Egg Aroma, free of any spoilage or other off
+1 объявление
20 авг 2019
Liquid Whole Egg
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 1
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 2
Liquid Whole Egg - фото 3
Оптовая цена
от 1 570 $/т FOB
Commodity: Liquid Frozen Mélange Origin: Ukraine Specification: Pasteurized liquid whole egg, without shell fragments, films, frozen up to -18C. Without GMO. Color: Typical of whole egg, from lithe yellow to lithe orange. Aroma and Flavor: Clean Egg Aroma, free of any spoilage or other off
+1 объявление
20 авг 2019
Technological line for production chips and french fries
Цена по запросу
SnakPro Line is intended for producing chips or french fries and involves such processes as preliminary washing, whole potato washing, cleaning, slicing, frying. At the end of the process, you get ready-made chips prepared for packaging. Products are fried by complete immersion in hot oil. The
+2 объявления
11 сен 2019
Technological line for yoghurt processing
Цена по запросу
This universal homogenization device with a pasteurizer is designed for a wide range of food products, from liquid to highly viscous, with homogeneous structure or solid particles of up to 15 mm (or bigger on request). The equipment allows the following processes: cooking (at atmospheric pressure
+2 объявления
11 сен 2019
Ariel, washing gel
Оптовая цена
от 4.73 €/шт
Ariel, washing gel
 Ariel Liquid Fresh Sensations 1215 ml 
90 pallets 

Whats’app Volodymyr Wholesale supply of household chemicals from Europe World brands Procter & Gamble, Henkel, Unilever. Very large assortment. Food.
Any products that the client requests :)
Large wholesale. Machine
5 фев
Ultrafiltration system
Цена по запросу
Ultrafiltration is one of the baromembrane methods of water purification. Under certain pressure, the water entering the ultrafiltration unit passes through a semipermeable membrane and is divided into two streams. One of these "concentrate" streams contains all the impurities and bacteria whose
+2 объявления
2 дек 2024
Purification of glycerin (equipment)
Цена по запросу
Until recently, there were essentially only two types of glycerin on the world market: 1) Raw glycerin 30-80% (dark brown liquid, often with a distinctive odor) - this is crude crude glycerin with a high amount of impurities, including organic origin 2) Food- or pharmaceutical glycerin 95-99% is
+2 объявления
2 дек 2024
Цена по запросу
Electrodialysis is an electromembrane process, during which ions are transported through a semipermeable membrane under the influence of an electric field. Electrodialysis has several advantages compared with other methods of liquid purification. The degree of extraction of pure water reaches
+2 объявления
2 дек 2024
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with PUSH-PULL Сap
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with PUSH-PULL Сap - фото 1
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with PUSH-PULL Сap - фото 2
+1 фото
Plastic Bottle PET 120ml with PUSH-PULL Сap - фото 3
46.98 €/1000 units EXW
Production material of Bottle: PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) Production material of PUSH-PULL Сap: PE (Polyethylene) Vial quality: made from virgin material (PET) PUSH-PULL Сap quality: made from virgin material (PE) Package contents: bottles 120ml with PUSH-PULL Сap Application of Bottle /
15 окт 2024
Organic fertilizer (growth accelerator)
3 €/шт
Organic fertilizer (growth accelerator) of high concentration 1:2000 wholesale from the manufacturer BioDeposit® Elixir is an organic fertilizer of high concentration 1:2000 wholesale from 1 ton and in large volumes. From the manufacturer in Belarus. - for farmers - agricultural enterprises -
2 июн 2024
Ariel, washing gel
Оптовая цена
от 4.73 €/шт FCA
Ariel, washing gel

Ariel Liquid Fresh Sensations 1215 ml 
90 pallets
 Wholesale supply of household chemicals from Europe World brands Procter & Gamble, Henkel, Unilever. Very large assortment. Food.
Any products that the client requests :)
Large wholesale. Machine standards. Delivery is made...
11 мар 2024
Laptops Wholesale
199 $/шт CIF
Key Specifications/Special Features: Wholesale Used Laptop suppliers We do have used and refurbished latop for sale at wholesale prices and our products are of best quality and standard. we do accept refund for unsatisfied clients Specification: Core i7 x 4CPUs 7th Gen (Touch & 360*) Ram
6 сен 2021
Sulphozinc 5 منظم ممتاز للتربة الزراعية
Цена по запросу
An excellent soil regulator for calcareous soils with zinc deficiency. • It reduces the pH by breaking down the lime in the soil with colloidal sulfur and at the same time provides the zinc element supplement that the soil needs. • The zinc in its content is not conventional zinc sulphate, it is in
+4 объявления
20 окт 2020
Kadeka (Improver Cation Exchange Capacity)
Цена по запросу
Liquid Mineral growth up activator in different packaging capasity. • Improves Cation Exchange Capacity due to natural agents. • Chelates the cations and acts as a carrier. • Increases the uptake of nutrients (e. g. potassium, calcium or phosphates) with the use of it and makes these nutrients more
+4 объявления
20 окт 2020
Blacksulfur (الكبريت الأسود)
Цена по запросу
Liquid mineral & organik fertilizers) in different volume packaging. • Enchases root developing. • Developes tillering and grain filling. • Supports reducing the effects of high pH due to ingredient of sulphur. • Eliminates the deficiency of organic matter and humic acid. • Provides resistance
+4 объявления
20 окт 2020
Orgasit (Organik acid mixture )
Цена по запросу
Liquid organic fertilizers in different volume packaging. • It increases the effectiviness of the pesticides by lowering the pH of applicated water. • Removes the obstructions in drip irrigation system. • It increases the air movement between the soil and the atmosphere by breaking down the soil
+4 объявления
20 окт 2020
The technological line for processing classic mayonnaise
Цена по запросу
MayonnaisePro Line Normit Mayonnaise line is intended for effective processing of classic mayonnaise or processing and filling similar products. Mixing is a key stage in mayonnaise production. The part of Normit mayonnaise line is high- speed mixer that ensures perfect mixing. How it
+2 объявления
11 сен 2019
Sprayer self-propelled high-clearance L-3000
Sprayer self-propelled high-clearance L-3000 - фото 1
Sprayer self-propelled high-clearance L-3000 - фото 2
Sprayer self-propelled high-clearance L-3000 - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Self-propelled sprayer is an indispensable technique in agriculture, the main purpose of which is to provide chemical protection of field crops, as well as their additional feeding by applying liquid mineral fertilizers. Do you need to process crops of large area? In this case, not to find a better
21 авг 2019
Fruit, berry taste sugar «Raduga»
53 661 фунт.eg/т EXW  
опт до 53 661 фунт.eg/т
Fruit, berry taste sugar «Raduga» Our company «Intrepid Dorich service» offer you Universal & unique product In 3 times sweeter than regular sugar and with improved taste of fruits and berries the versatility of using our sugar: 1. the product can be used at home, cafes and restaurants. *can...
2 мар 2019
Удобрение Гумат калия "ФК" /Humate potassium
Оптовая цена
1 - 2 $/л
Fertilizer potassium humate " FK " (liquid concentrate) from environmentally friendly lowland peat, which does not contain heavy metals. Fertilizer is made according to TU BY 291502328.001-2018. The composition of the fertilizer includes humic substances (humic + fulvic acids in a concentration of
17 янв 2019
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