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Chicken в Египте

17 объявлений
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17 объявлений
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Chicken meat Freshly frozen chicken meat chicken LLC Mitlife
Оптовая цена
1 - 3 $/кг FCA
LLC "Mitlife", торгово-производственная компания. Наша главная цель: плодотворное сотрудничество с покупателем с наиболее взаимовыгодной ценой для всех. Замороженное куриное мясо: Куриное мясо Окорок куриный Тушка Филе Крыло Голень Передняя часть тушки Лапи
23 мар 2023
Organic fertilizers Chicken compost Good Yield
Organic fertilizers Chicken compost Good Yield - фото 1
Organic fertilizers Chicken compost Good Yield - фото 2
+4 фото
Organic fertilizers Chicken compost Good Yield - фото 3
45 €/т EXW  
опт 32 - 45 €/т
We are appreciate for your interest in our product - organic fertilizers ТМ «Good Yield» and looking forward for long term and mutually beneficial cooperation. Our Company produces a range of organic fertilizers based on poultry manure in bulk and granular forms. Compost TM “Good yield” is a safe
22 авг 2019
Яйца куриные категории С оптом
Цена по запросу
Яйца куриные категории С оптом от белорусских производителей на экспорт. Пакет документов. Помощь в доставке. Цена по запросу. Звоните, пишите в вайбер, вотцап . Будем рады сотрудничеству. Chicken eggs of category C wholesale from Belarusian producers for export. A package of documents. Delivery
10 фев 2021
100% organic fertilizer
Цена по запросу
Our company is a manufacturer of 100% organic fertilizer based on chicken manure. Currently the production capacity of the factory is 200 tons per month. Production technology invo lves manure pretreatment, application of high-performance enzyme, heat treatment, drying, followed by granulation to a
21 апр 2018
Frozen chicken
Оптовая цена
от 1 фунт.eg/шт
PE «Storozhynetskyi Miasokombinat» sells for export frozen chicken products Halal: - Whole frozen chicken - Chicken cuts
23 янв
Broiler chicken carcass
Broiler chicken carcass - фото 1
Broiler chicken carcass - фото 2
+2 фото
Broiler chicken carcass - фото 3
1 700 $/т
We sell chicken products in bulk! We invite you to cooperate! We will quickly organize uninterrupted deliveries to your company! New meat processing plants with good capacities! Fast speed of interaction with the customer! Our company will provide you with a personal manager! All our products
24 дек 2024
Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings - фото 1
Chicken Wings - фото 2
+1 фото
Chicken Wings - фото 3
500 $/шт CIF
There is essentially no meat in them; they are almost entirely made of skin, bone, and cartilage, yet some individuals enjoy nibbling on the chicken wing tips because they enjoy eating chicken skin.
14 ноя 2022
Chicken paws/legs
Цена по запросу
Dear Buyers We offer CIF / FOB supplies of chicken legs and paws ($ 2.200/MT)
22 дек 2020
Цена по запросу
We offer you Chicken, Pork, and Beef. Origin: Brazil, Malaysia, Australia, Germany Delivery Terms-CIF to any safe port in the world. Form of payment: DLC The price depends on the request. To avoid wasting time, please provide the LOI and BCL. ——— Watsapp, Viber, Telegram
17 дек 2020
Цена по запросу
Chicken (any part of the chicken). From the Ukrainian manufacturer. Export.
8 мая 2019
We sell frozen chicken wing for export.
Оптовая цена
1 150 - 1 100 $/т FCA
Our company sells frozen chicken wings for export. In one gofroyashchik is 15 kg. The weight of one wing is 65-75 gr. The price is indicated on the warehouse of the seller-manufacturer (FCA). If necessary, a certificate of HALAL.
+3 объявления
10 апр 2019
We sell packaged, frozen chicken carcass for export.
We sell packaged, frozen chicken carcass for export. - фото 1
We sell packaged, frozen chicken carcass for export. - фото 2
+1 фото
We sell packaged, frozen chicken carcass for export. - фото 3
Оптовая цена
1 000 - 900 $/т FCA
Our company sells packaged in individual packaging, frozen chicken carcasses, carcass weight from 0.9 kg to 1.20 kg. The price is in stock manufacturer / seller (FCA). If necessary, a HALAL certificate is provided.
+3 объявления
10 апр 2019
We offer the frozen chicken carcasses on an export.
Оптовая цена
720 - 690 $/т
Our enterprise offers the frozen carcass of hen on an export. Libra of carcass (1,0 -1,2 kg). In one box there are 10 kg Price is indicated on storage (FCA). The certificate of HALAL is given if necessary.
+3 объявления
10 апр 2019
100% organic fertilizer AGROSIVA-eco
Цена по запросу
AGRO SIVA LLC produces environmentally friendly, fast-acting, highly effective, heat-treated (at a temperature of 700-90°C for at least 60 minutes ) organic fertilizer with a high content of essential nutrients and microelements, which are in the easily accessible for the plant form based on
22 мая 2023
Compound feed. Premixes
260 €/т
JSC "Lidakhleboprodukt" is the largest manufacturer of flour products in the Republic of Belarus. We sell feed products for poultry, for cattle, for rabbits, for pigs. We produce "addressed" feed for cattle (they are individual and are calculated according to the available feed on the farm).
13 фев 2023
Big Variety of Sausages
2 $/Vacuum Pack EXW  
опт 1.40 - 4 $/Vacuum Pack
Premium Sausages from manufacturer. Big variety of product: Beef/ Chicken/ Pork, different recipes, sizes & packing available. Looking for distributors and importers worldwide. HACCP & ISO certified. More information upon request.
27 мая 2021
We sell frozen hamburger patties for export.
2 850 $/т FCA
Our company produces and sells frozen hamburger patties, beef and chicken. Products are made from 100% natural raw meat, without the use of MMOs. If necessary, a certificate of HALAL. d = 125 mm weight = 125 gr. Type of preparation: fry frozen cutlets on both sides until golden brown.
+3 объявления
10 апр 2019
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